1659 A Looking-Glass of the Fathers


  • Version: Ancient Theology Books
  • Age Range: 1640 to 1699
  • Size Range: Lectern Folios (11”-15” Tall)
  • Appraisal Value: $2,500
  • Title Page: 1659
  • Actual Size: 14 x 9 x 2
  • Font: Roman
  • Other Features: End Papers: Cotton, Full Calf Binding



1659 A Looking-Glass of the Fathers

A collections of writing that captivated the readers imagination in the mid-17th century contents include:

A Looking-Glass of the Fathers

The True Effigies or Portraiture of the chief Philosophers, Historians, Poets, Grammarians, and Orators, or A Compendious View or each, both dignisied with, and distinguished by, their peculiar Characters.

Or, The Historians in their proportionable Lineaments.

Of the Poets