1824 Campbell Debate on Christian Baptism


  • Version: Ancient Theology Books
  • Age Range: 1800’s Forward
  • Size Range: Small Bibles / Octavos (Under 8” Tall)
  • Appraisal Value: $1,000
  • Title Page: 1824
  • Actual Size: 7 x 4.25 x 1.5
  • Font: Roman
  • Other Features: End Papers: Cotton, Full Calf


Campbell & MacCalla, Debate on Christian Baptism – 1824

Campbell, Alexander, and W.L. MacCalla. A debate on Christian Baptism, between the Rev. W.L. MacCalla, A Presbyterian Teacher and Alexander Campbell, held at Washington, Ky Commencing on the 15th and Terminating on the 21st Oct. 1823, in the presence of a very numerous and respectable congregation, in which are interspersed and to which are added Animadversions Different Treatises on the Same Subject, written by Dr. J, Mason, Dr. S. Ralston, Rev. E Pond, Rev. J. P. Campbell, Rector Armstong, and the Rev. J. Walker. Buffaloe, Published by Campbell & Sala, 1824.

First Edition! Alexander Campbell

Alexander Campbell Founder of the Disciples of Christ. With the aim of greater Christian union he rejected all credal formulas. He first began preaching in 1810 and organized a church at Brush Run, Pa, at the time he believed in the independence and congregational government of every local church and in toleration of infant baptism. After his marriage and birth of his first child, he studied the subject of infant baptism and decided against it. Campbell, his wife, father, and mother were all re-baptized by a Baptist minister. He initially associated with the Baptists but left them all over differences of doctrine. He came to believe in baptism as necessary for the remissions of sins and the appropriation of God’s promise of forgiveness, while Baptist considered the new life complete before baptism.