1572 Greek Liturgical Gospels and Epistles
(BIBLE IN GREEK.) Possel, Johann, the Elder, translator. Evangelia et epistolae, quae diebus dominicis et festis sanctorum in ecclesia . . . proponi solent. 62 text woodcuts of Gospel scenes, with illustration. [149] (of [150] leaves; lacks T1. 8vo, modern 1/4 morocco. Booklabel and mounted catalogue cutting of William Salloch on rear pastedown. Wittenberg: (Johannes Crato), 1572
Greek verse translation of the liturgical Gospels and Epistles.
Johann Possel (1528-1591) was a German Hellenist who held the chair of Greek literature at the University of Rostock. He is the author of several very popular Greek grammatical works, and also of this Greek Gospel book, for the festivals of the Church. This is an epic written in Greek hexameters, and it is illustrated with a great number of spirited woodcuts, representing scenes of the Scriptures.