English Hexapla
The 1841 Hexapla is often overlooked by the rare book collector. Curious oversight to say the least. It’s affordable. It’s useful. It’s all in English and it in short helps the reader understand exactly what the Reformation Heroes were up against.
English was for all practical purposes an infant language. It lacked necessary tools to help it along. For instance. There wasn’t a dictionary for the English language until 1755.
Our images focus on one particular passage that caused great arguments. Luke 13:1-5 is often cited as the most disruptive passage in all of Christendom. See for yourself how different one passage read and it will become obvious that the translators had an intended audience in mind.
What makes this book so special? It contains the six most important English language translations of the New Testament, all arranged in parallel columns for easy textual comparison of any passage. Each left-hand page shows: The Wycliffe version of 1380 (the first English scripture), The Tyndale version of 1534-1536 (the first English printed scripture), and Cranmer’s Great Bible of 1539 (the first Authorized English Bible). Continuing across each right-hand page is: The Geneva “1557” – translation actually completed in 1560, (the Bible of the Protestant Reformation), The Rheims 1582 (the first Roman Catholic English version), and the 1611 King James First Edition… all side-by-side, and also laid out so the passages roughly match-up top-to-bottom as well.