The video below shows our black 1611 KJV $139 Reduced-Size “Regular” Reference Edition, however, the $379 Full-Size “Deluxe” Edition, and the $995 Full-Size “Super Deluxe” Leather Edition are also available.
The Reduced-Size “Regular”
Reference Edition
We realize that many people are not looking for a huge beautiful display Bible, but rather, they simply seek an affordable copy of the original 1611 King James Bible to use as a desk reference or bookshelf-reference piece (like a dictionary)… or perhaps they just want a copy that is small enough to take to church, and carry around for personal study. Indeed, many of our customers who purchase one of the gorgeous full-size editions detailed above, also purchase one of these affordable reduced-size editions for their personal daily study.
Our Reduced-Size Regular Edition Facsimile Reproduction of the 1611 First Edition King James Bible measures approximately 11 inches tall by 8.75 inches wide by 3.5 inches thick, and weighs about 10 pounds. (So actually… it’s still a fairly large and heavy book). The binding is hardcover black imitation leather with gold stamping along the spine. Each page was computer-scanned from the original, and printed on heavy cream paper. In a much more manageable “medium-folio” size, rather than the original “giant pulpit folio” size, it remains otherwise an exact photographic duplicate of the very first press run of the world’s most beloved book.
Most people have never seen what the original King James Bible looks like, and having one in your home will provide you with a great conversation-piece, and an object of great beauty. For much less than the cost of the full-size deluxe editions above… its retail price is $379… however, we offer it for only $139.
Bonus: ships with a genuine original pre-1650 King James Bible Leaf of a regular “non-premium” passage, (a $59 value if purchased separately).
Please do not confuse our photographic facsimiles with small, cheap, “reprints” you may have seen. The popular Thomas Nelson or Hendrickson Publishers “1611 Edition” mass-marketed Bible, for example, is NOT a true facsimile (nor do they claim it is). It is a totally new type setting in a strange semi-modern Roman Style Type Face without the original woodcut decorative accents or beautiful Gothic Blackletter Style Typeface found in the original. Such reprints may maintain the ancient spellings, but they do not LOOK anything like an original 1611.
About the 1611 King James Bible
The King James Bible is the most printed book in the history of the world, and it is our most popular facsimile reproduction. To commemorate the 400th Anniversary of this masterpiece, we offer these exact page-for-page photographic duplicates of the original 1611 King James Bible in 3 different bound editions, as detailed below.
Any so-called “1611” King James Version you buy today at the local Christian Bookstore is absolutely NOT the 1611. It is Blaney’s 1769 Revised Oxford Edition, even though it admits that nowhere, and may even say “1611” in the front… it’s just not true. Prepare to be shocked! In fact, 20,000 spelling and punctuation changes and over 400 wording changes were made to the original 1611 to 1768 King James Bible, when compared to King James Bibles published between 1769 and today, and fourteen entire books plus extra prefatory features have been removed from almost every printing done since 1885!
We can easily prove these claims; just compare our photographic 1611 facsimiles to your modern-day reprinting of the so-called “1611” by any major Bible publisher of the past century, and you will immediately see a huge difference. It’s true! “The camera does not lie.” A huge deception has been perpetrated on the public by the major Bible publishers for over a century now. If you really love the King James version, the only way to own a true, unaltered, unedited, unabridged, original 1611 version as authorized by King James, is to buy a genuine original from the Platinum Room of our Ancient Rare Bibles & Books section for prices well into six figures OR buy one of our three exact photographic (not re-typeset) facsimile editions here. We are the only company producing faithful, complete, photographic facsimiles of the original 1611 King James Bible.
The King James Bible is the only book in the world that can claim one billion copies in print. For many people, the English language Bible as we know it today IS the King James Bible. Original First Editions have sold for over $400,000 at recent auctions. Our affordable facsimiles make it possible for everyone to have a First Edition.
The textual content and imaging of the pages are the same. All of our 1611 King James Bible Facsimile Editions contain the full prefatory content: The Dedication to King James, the translator’s To The Reader Preface, the Calendar, the Holy Land Map, the Genealogy, and of course the entire Old Testament, Inter-Testamental Books (as specifically mandated by King James), and New Testament … exactly as it was published in 1611, without omission, addition, or alteration in any way.